🫱 A left-handed boxer is known as a...?
🌋 Made from cooled lava, what rock is so sharp it's sometimes used as a scalpel blade?
🍹 Which fruit juice is traditionally used in a piña colada?
🎞️ How many Die Hard films has Bruce Willis appeared in?
🧊 What organisation raised over $100M as a result of 2014's "Ice Bucket Challenge?"
🎭 What famous play written by William Shakespeare tells the story of a prince of Denmark who seeks revenge for the murder of his father?
🔥 Bikram yoga used heat and humidity to replicate conditions in what country?
🎙️ Jim Carrey provided the voice of a radio DJ on whose 2022 album 'Dawn FM'?
🌿 In the 1970s, what number began to refer to marijuana and cannabis culture?
🦴 In what part of the body would you find the cruciate ligament?
#️⃣ Dolly Parton started the meme challenge LinkedIn Facebook Instagram and what?
🦇 Which British actor played Batman in 2022's reboot directed by Matt Reeves?